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發(fā)布時間:2020-07-31 作者:安徽成考網(wǎng) http://2jiajiao.com 點擊:






英語復(fù)習(xí)考試范圍包括語音、詞匯、語法、日常交際用語、閱讀和寫作等方面, 并主要在記憶、理解和綜合應(yīng)用這三個層次上檢測考生掌握英語的水平:








1) 動詞的基本形式 (1)現(xiàn)在式 (2)過去式 (3)過去分詞 (4)-ing形式

2) 行為動詞的及物性和不及物性

3) 連系動詞be, get, look, seem, turn, grow, become 等

4) 助動詞be, do, have, shall, will 等

5) 情態(tài)動詞can, may, must, ought, need, dare等

6) 動詞的時態(tài) (1)一般現(xiàn)在時 (2)一般過去時 (3)一般將來時 (4)現(xiàn)在進行時 (5)過去進行時 (6)現(xiàn)在完成時 (7)過去完成時 (8)過去將來時

7) 動詞的被動語態(tài) (1)一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài) (2)一般過去時的被動語態(tài) (3)一般將來時的被動語態(tài) (4)現(xiàn)在進行時的被動語態(tài) (5)現(xiàn)在完成時的被動語態(tài) (6)帶情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)

8) 動詞的不定式 (1)作主語 (2)作賓語 (3)作賓語補足語 (4)作狀語 (5)作定語 (6)作表語 (7)用在how, when, where, what, which, who, whether等后面

9) 動詞的過去分詞 (1)作定語 (2)作表語 (3)作賓語補足語 (4)作狀語 10)動詞的-ing形式 (1)作主語 (2)作賓語 (3)作賓語補足語 (4)作表語 (5)作定語 (6)作狀語

10) 句子 1)句子的種類 (1)陳述句(肯定式和否定式) (2)疑問句(一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、選擇疑問句、反意疑問句) (3)祈使句 (4)感嘆句 2)句子的成分 (1)主語 (2)謂語 (3)表語 (4)賓語 (5)直接賓語和間接賓語 (6)賓語補足語 (7)定語 (8)狀語 3)主謂的一致關(guān)系 4)簡單句的五種基本句型 5)并列句 6)復(fù)合句 (1)名詞性從句 (2)狀語從句 (3)定語從句 7)倒裝句 8)省略句

11) .構(gòu)詞法 1)合成法blackboard, man-made, overthrow, however, everyone 2)轉(zhuǎn)換法hand (n.) -hand(v.) ,break(v.)-break(n.), empty(adj.)-empty(v.) 3)派生法 A.加前綴:non-, un-, in-, dis-, re- B.加后綴:-er, -tion, -ese, -ist, -ing, -ment, -ness, -ian, -ify, -ize, -ise, -en, -able, -ful, -y, -ive, -al, -an, -ly, -teen, -ty

12) 日常交際用語

  1. 問候Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi! How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Very well, thank you.

  2. 介紹Introductions a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms… I’d like you to meet … b. How do you do ? Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. c. My name is … I’m a (student/teacher, etc.). d. I’m Chinese.

  3. 告別Farewells a. I’m afraid I must be leaving now. I think it’s time for us to leave now. b. Good-bye! (Bye-Bye! Bye!) See you later/tomorrow.(See you.) Good night.

  4. .感謝和應(yīng)答Thanks and responses a. Thank you (very much). Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks for…… b. It’s very kind of you to… Not at all . It’s/That’s all right. You’re welcome.

  5. 祝愿、祝賀和應(yīng)答Good wishes, congratulations and responses a. Good luck! Best wishes to you! I wish you good luck/success! Have a nice/good time. b. Thank you. The same to you. c. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you.

  6. 道歉、遺憾、同情和應(yīng)答Apologies, regrets, sympathies and responses a. Sorry/Pardon. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for/about….. I’m sorry to hear…. b. Excuse me (for…) I’m afraid of …. What a pity/shame! c. That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing.

  7. 邀請和應(yīng)答Invitations and responses a. will you come to ….? Would you like to …? I’d like to invite you to … b. Yes, I’d love to (….). Yes, it’s very kind/nice of you. c. I’d love to, but…

  8. 提供(幫助等)和應(yīng)答Offers and responses a. Can/Could/Shall I help you? Is there anything (else) I can do for you? Do you want me to …? What can I do for you? Let me do/carry/help…(for you). Would you like some…? b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine. That’s very kind of you. Thank you for your help. Yes, please. Here, take this/my….. c. No, thanks/thank you. Thank you all the same. That’s very kind of you, but….

  9. 約會Making appointments a. Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow? How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at …? b. Yes, that’s all right. Yes, I’ll be free then. c. No, I won’t be free then. But I’ll be free… d. All right. See you then.

  10. 意愿和希望Intentions and wishes a. I’m going to …. I will … I’d like to …. I (do not) want/hope to … b. I want/hope/wish to …

  11. 請求、允許和應(yīng)答Asking for permission and responses a. May I …? Can/Could I ….? b. Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes, (do)please. Of course (you may). Go ahead, please. That’s OK/all right. Not at all. c. I’m sorry you can’t. I’m sorry, but… You’d better not.

  12. 同意和不同意Agreement and disagreement a. Certainly/Sure/Of course. No problem. Yes, please. Yes, I think so . That’s true. All right/OK. That’s a good idea. I/We agree (with you). b. No, I don’t think so . I’m afraid not. I’m afraid I (really) can’t agree with you.



  13. 喜好和厭惡Likes and dislikes a. I like/love …(very much). I like/love to … b. I don’t like (to)…. I hate (to)…

  14. 決斷和堅持Determination, decision and insistence I will… I have decided to/that…

  15. 判斷和意見Judgement and opinion a. Well done/Good work! b. In my opinion,… It seems… 16.能力Ability I can…. He is able to ….

  16. 肯定和不肯定Certainty and uncertainty a. I’m sure (of that). I’m sure (that)… b. I’m not sure (of that). I’m not sure whether/if… c. Perhaps/Maybe.

  17. 禁止和警告Prohibition and warnings a. You can’t/mustn’t…. If you …, you’ll… You’d better not do it. Don’t smoke! Don’t be late! b. Look out! Take care! Be careful! 19.可能和不可能Possibility and impossibility He can/may…. It is possible that…

  18. 預(yù)見、猜測和相信Prediction, conjecture and belief a. He will… b. It seems (that)… c. I believe that he is right.

  19. 請求Requests a. Can/Will/Could/Would you…for me? Will/Can/Could/Would you Please…? May I have…? b. Please give/pass me… Please wait (here/a moment). Please wait (for) your turn. Please stand in line/line up. Please hurry. c. Don’t rush (hurry)/crowd. No noise, please. No smoking, please.

  20. 勸告和建議Advice and suggestions a. You’d better(not)… You should /ought to… You need (to)… b. Shall we …? Let’s … What/How about…? Why not …? Why don’t you…?

  21. 許諾Promises I promise… I will give… to you.

  22. 表示焦慮Expressing anxiety What’s wrong? What’s the matter (with you)? I’m/He’s/She’s worried. Oh, what shall I /we do ?

  23. 表示驚奇Expressing surprise Really? Oh dear! Is that so? Good heavens!

  24. 表示喜悅Expressing pleasure I’m glad/pleased/happy to…. That’s nice/wonderful/great.

  25. 談?wù)撎鞖釺alking about the weather a. What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather in …? b. It’s fine /cloudy/windy/rainy…. It’s getting cold/warm… It’s rather warm/cold/hot… today, isn’t it? It’s a beautiful day today.

  26. 購物Shopping a. What can I do for you? May/Can I help you? b. I want/I’d like… How much is it? That’s too expensive, I’m afraid. That’s fine. I’ll take it. Let me have… c. How many/much do you want? What colour/size/kind do you want? d. Do you have any other kind/ size/colour, etc.?

  27. 問路和應(yīng)答Asking the way and responses a. Excuse me .Where’s the men’s/ladies’ room? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to …? How can I get to …? I don’t know the way. b. Go down this street. Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. It’s about… metres from here. Go straight ahead till you see…

  28. 問時間、日期和應(yīng)答Asking the time, date and responses a. What day is (it) today? What’s the date today? Excuse me. What time is it by your watch? What’s the time, please? b. It’s Monday/Tuesday… It’s January 10th. It’s five o’clock/five thirty (half past five)/a quarter past (to) six. It’s time for/to…

  29. 就餐Taking meals a. What would you like (to have)? Would you like something (to eat/dink)? b. I’d like… Coke/Two eggs…, please. c. Would you like some more…? Help yourself to some… d. Thank you, I’ve had enough. I’m full, thank you. Just a little, please. 32. 打電話Making phone calls a. Hello! Is he (Tom) in? May/Could I speak to …? Is that…(speaking)? b. Hold on, please. Hello, who is it? He/She isn’t here right now. Can I take a message for you? c. Hello, this is … speaking. I called to tell/ask you…

  30. 傳遞信息Passing on a message a. will you please give this note/message to…? b. … asked me to give you this note. c. Thanks for the message.

  31. 看病Seeing the doctor a. There’s something wrong with… I’ve got a headache and a cough. I feel terrible (bad). I don’t feel well. b. Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. It’s nothing serious. You’ll be all right/well soon. 35. 求救Calling for help a. Help! Thief! b. What’s the matter?

  32. 語言困難Language difficulties Pardon? Would you please say that again/more slowly? What do you mean by …? I’m sorry I can’t follow you. I’m sorry I know only a little English.








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